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Cloud Robotics Core: Kubernetes, Federation, App Management

Connecting a robot to the cloud

Estimated time: 10 min

This page describes how to connect a Kubernetes cluster on a robot running Ubuntu 20.04 to the cloud.

Once you’ve done this, you can:

Setting up the GCP project

  1. If you haven’t already, complete the Setting up the GCP project steps.

  2. On the computer you used to set up the cloud project, generate an access token, which you’ll use to give the robot access to the cloud:

     gcloud auth application-default print-access-token

Note: If you want to reduce the risk that your cloud project is compromised using this token during its 1h lifetime, you can generate a less privileged service account token:

gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding "${SA}" \
  --role=roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator \
  --project="${PROJECT_ID}" --member="user:${YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS:?}"
gcloud auth print-access-token --impersonate-service-account="${SA}"

If you see ERROR: Failed to impersonate ..., wait a few minutes for the IAM policy to propagate.

You can ignore the “WARNING: This command is using service account impersonation.”

Installing the cluster on the robot

Installing Kubernetes

You’ll need to install a Kubernetes cluster on the robot before you can connect it to the cloud. The cluster manages and supports the processes that communicate with the cloud.

Please see external references for setting up k8s. For simplicity we recommend k3s or a single node kubeadm cluster (untested).

Setting up the robot

  1. Set up the robot cluster to connect to the cloud. When running, you’ll need to enter the access token you generated earlier. You may find it easiest if you SSH into the robot from the workstation you used to set up the project.

     mkdir -p ~/cloud-robotics-core
     cd ~/cloud-robotics-core
     curl >
     bash my-robot --project ${PROJECT_ID} \
       --robot-type my-robot-type

    Set ${PROJECT_ID} to your GCP project ID. When prompted for an access token, provide the authentication token you generated earlier.

    Note: my-robot-type is a placeholder and you can ignore it for now.

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