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Cloud Robotics Core: Kubernetes, Federation, App Management

Setting up OAuth for web UIs

Estimated time: 5 min

When a user loads a web UI hosted in the cloud Kubernetes cluster, the server has to authenticate them before allowing them to use the service. To enable this, you’ll need to set up OAuth with the Cloud Console. Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll be able to access services with web UIs, such as Grafana.

If you haven’t already, complete the Quickstart Guide or Deploy Cloud Robotics Core from sources to set up your GCP project.

Create OAuth credentials

  1. Open the cloud console and ensure that your cloud project is selected in the project selector dropdown at the top.

  2. Configure the OAuth consent screen: APIs & Services → Credentials → OAuth consent screen.
    • User Type: Internal
    • Application name: My Cloud Robotics Application
    • Support email: your email address
    • Add [PROJECT_ID] to Authorized domains (where [PROJECT_ID] is your GCP project ID).
    • Leave the other fields blank.
  3. Create an OAuth client ID: APIs & Services → Credentials → Create credentials → OAuth client ID.
    • Application type: Web application
    • Restrictions → Authorized JavaScript origins:
    • Restrictions → Authorized redirect URIs:
    • Click “Create”.

You’ll see a dialog containing the client ID and secret which we will add to your next.

Update your config and redeploy

  1. update your in the Google Cloud Storage bucket:
     curl -fS "" >
     bash ./ $PROJECT_ID --set-oauth

    Enter the OAuth client ID and secret from the previous step when asked.

  2. Update your cloud project:
     bash ./ $PROJECT_ID

After the update has been deployed, OAuth is enabled in your cloud project. Verify that oauth2-proxy is running now:

$ kubectl get pods

oauth2-proxy-xxx   1/1     Running   0          1m

Try it out

Open a web browser and visit https://www.endpoints.[PROJECT_ID], replacing [PROJECT_ID] with your GCP project ID. You’ll be prompted to log in with your Google account, after which you’ll see a list of dashboards. Try selecting “Kubernetes Capacity Planning” to see the resource usage of the Kubernetes cluster.