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Cloud Robotics Core: Kubernetes, Federation, App Management

Deploying a service to the cloud cluster

Estimated time: 60 min

In this guide we will write a HTTP service in Python and deploy it to our Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster in the cloud in such a way that authentication is required for access. We will show how to access the service from the workstation and how to access it from code running in the robot’s Kubernetes cluster.


Create a directory for the code examples of this guide, e.g.:

mkdir hello-service
cd hello-service

Set your GCP project ID as an environment variable:


All files created in this tutorial can be found in docs/how-to/examples/hello-service/. If you download the files, you have to replace the placeholders [PROJECT_ID] with your GCP project ID:

sed -i "s/\[PROJECT_ID\]/$PROJECT_ID/g" client/ server/hello-server.yaml

A simple HTTP server

Create a subdirectory for the server code:

mkdir server
cd server

Paste the following into a file called

from http import server
import signal
import sys

class MyRequestHandler(server.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
  def do_GET(self):
    print('Received a request')
    self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
    self.wfile.write(b'Server says hello!\n')

def main():
  # Terminate process when Kubernetes sends SIGTERM.
  signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda *_: sys.exit(0))

  server_address = ('', 8000)
  httpd = server.HTTPServer(server_address, MyRequestHandler)

if __name__ == '__main__':

This Python program implements a server that listens on port 8000 for incoming HTTP GET requests. When such a request is received, it prints a line to stdout and responds to the request with a short message.

You can try it out with:


If you see ImportError: No module named http, you are most likely using Python 2.x; try python3 instead of python.)

Then, from another terminal on the same workstation, run:

curl -i http://localhost:8000

You should see the headers indicating that the request was successful (200 OK) and the server’s response message. You can also try entering localhost:8000 in your browser’s address bar.

Dockerizing the service

Next, to prepare our Python program for deployment in the cloud, we package it as a Docker image.

Make sure that the docker daemon is running and that your user has the necessary privileges:

docker run --rm hello-world

If this command fails, make sure Docker is installed according to the installation instructions.

In the same directory as, create a Dockerfile with the following contents:

FROM python:alpine



CMD [ "python", "-u", "./" ]

(Note: the -u option disables line-buffering; Python’s line-buffering can prevent output from appearing immediately in the Docker logs.)

To build the Docker image, run:

docker build -t hello-server .

You should now have an image tagged hello-server in your local registry:

docker images | grep hello-server

It can be run locally with:

docker run -ti --rm -p 8000:8000 hello-server

You should now be able to send requests to the server with curl as before.

Uploading the Docker image to the cloud

In order to be able to run the server as a container in our cloud cluster, we need to upload the Docker image to our GCP project’s private container registry.

Enable the Docker credential helper:

gcloud auth configure-docker

Tag the image and push it to the registry:

docker tag hello-server$PROJECT_ID/hello-server
docker push$PROJECT_ID/hello-server

The image should now show up in the Container Registry.

Deploying the service in the cloud using Kubernetes

Create a file called hello-server.yaml with the following contents:

kind: Ingress
  name: hello-server-ingress
  annotations: "http://token-vendor.default.svc.cluster.local/apis/core.token-vendor/v1/token.verify?robots=true"
  ingressClassName: nginx
  - host: www.endpoints.[PROJECT_ID]
      - path: /apis/hello-server
        pathType: Prefix
            name: hello-server-service
              number: 8000
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: hello-server-service
  - name: hello-server-port
    port: 8000
  # the selector is used to link pods to services
    app: hello-server-app
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hello-server
  # all pods matching this selector belong to this deployment
      app: hello-server-app
      # the other side of the link between services and pods
        app: hello-server-app
      - name: hello-server
        # must match the port of the service
        - containerPort: 8000

This file contains the information needed by Kubernetes to run our HTTP service in our cloud cluster. In the following, we will go over it bit by bit assuming basic familiarity with the YAML format.

We define three Kubernetes resources:

Metadata, labels, and selectors are used to tie the three resources together.

A detailed explanation of the Kubernetes resources is out of scope for this guide, check out the Kubernetes docs to get started. There are a few points worth mentioning, though:

Make sure that kubectl points to the correct GCP project:

kubectl config get-contexts

If the correct cluster is not marked with an asterisk in the output, you can switch to it with kubectl config use-context [...].) Then deploy by applying the configuration:

kubectl apply -f hello-server.yaml

You can explore the various resources that were created on your cluster as a result of this command in the GKE Console or with kubectl, e.g.:

kubectl get pods

The resulting list should contain a running pod with a name like hello-server-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxx.

Redeploying after a change

If you make a change to, you need to rebuild and push the Docker image:

docker build -t hello-server .
docker tag hello-server$PROJECT_ID/hello-server
docker push$PROJECT_ID/hello-server

The easiest way to get Kubernetes to restart the workload with the latest version of the container is to delete the pod:

kubectl delete pod -l 'app=hello-server-app'

Kubernetes will automatically pull the newest image and recreate the pod.

If you make a change to hello-server.yaml, all you have to do is apply it again:

kubectl apply -f hello-server.yaml

Accessing the API

Let’s try to access our server as we did before:

curl -i https://www.endpoints.$

This should result in a 401 Unauthorized error because we did not supply any authorization information with the request. (Note: If you comment out the auth-url annotation in the Ingress definition and reapply it, this request will succeed.)

We can, however, easily obtain credentials from gcloud and attach them to our request by means of an “Authorization” header:

token=$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)
curl -i -H "Authorization: Bearer $token" https://www.endpoints.$

If this command fails because “Application Default Credentials are not available”, you need to first run:

gcloud auth application-default login --project=$PROJECT_ID

And follow the instructions in your browser.

Recall that when running on your workstation you were able to see the server’s log output upon receiving a request. This log output is also recorded when the server is running in the cloud cluster. To inspect it, run:

kubectl logs -l 'app=hello-server-app'

Or go to the GKE Console, select the hello-server workload and click on “Container logs”.

Next, let’s access the API from some Python code. Eventually, we will build another Docker image from this code, so it needs to live in a separate directory:

cd ..
mkdir client
cd client

Get some dependencies:

pip3 install --upgrade google-auth requests

(Depending on your local installation, you might have to use pip3.)

Create with the following contents:

import google.auth
import google.auth.transport.requests as requests

credentials, project_id = google.auth.default()

authed_session = requests.AuthorizedSession(credentials)

response = authed_session.request(
  "GET", "https://www.endpoints.[PROJECT_ID]")

print(response.status_code, response.reason, response.text)

Replace [PROJECT_ID] with your GCP project ID.

This script:

Try it out:


You will get a warning about using end user credentials. You can safely ignore this warning; we will eventually be using a robot’s credentials.)

Accessing the API from the robot

In order to run this script on the robot’s Kubernetes cluster, we again package it as a Docker image and push it to our container registry, to which the robot also has access.

Create a Dockerfile containing:

FROM python:alpine

RUN pip install --no-cache-dir google-auth requests



CMD [ "python", "-u", "./" ]

Build, tag, and push the image:

docker build -t hello-client .
docker tag hello-client$PROJECT_ID/hello-client
docker push$PROJECT_ID/hello-client

And finally, to execute the script, SSH into robot and run:

kubectl run -ti --rm --restart=Never$PROJECT_ID/hello-client hello-client

You should see the server’s message.

Two things are noteworthy:

Cleaning up

In order to stop the service in the cloud cluster and revert the configuration changes, change to the server directory and run:

kubectl delete -f hello-server.yaml